We stayed the night in Posedas after a very long ride from Formesa. The landscape is green, low, with some swampy areas. We were back on the rode by 6:00 a.m. As we rode north, the weather became quite cooler, around 32C.
I admit being unsure of our plan to ride to Iguazu Falls and was concerned if it really was worth the distance. When we rode into the Iguazu Falls Park, butterflies were everywhere in the air, like in a Disneyland cartoon. I was waiting to see Bambi appear from the jungle.
Argentinos get into the park for $25 pesos and non-Argentinos for $85 pesos ($22 dollars). I followed V’s instructions, kept my mouth shut (was difficult) and paid only $25 pesos.
What can I say about the Iguazu Falls? Nothing prepared us for the experience. Yes, its one of the wonders of the world. Yes, it is the second biggest falls in the world. We knew that and yet were overwhelmed by its magnifence.
Obviously the zodiac ride was “pretty cool”. First we toured the smallest falls. With forewarning, the captain steered us right into the falls. Visibility was zero. Everyone screamed as we became soaked. (I had been wondering why some people were wearing only bathing suits.) The experience was like having a shower.
The park itself is very well constructed. You follow rock stairs through the jungle, right next to the falls. There are numerous rock “out croppings” for views and steel catwalks right over the water.
Unfortunately I am unable to describe the sound and power of the water, being surrounded by the dense jungle, and its wildlife. Iguazu Falls is truly in the middle of nowhere but was worth the frustrations we experienced in reaching this destination.